Yoga Shoal Privacy Policy
This privacy policy is to explain how I use the personal information that you provide when you attend my classes, workshops, one-to-one yoga classes, yoga therapy sessions or join my mailing list.
Your data is collected in order to deliver the yoga services you have requested in an appropriate and safe manner. It is stored securely, never shared with anyone without your permission, and will be used for the purpose of providing yoga only.
– This includes your contact information – home address, email address and telephone number
– Details of classes you have booked or attended on my registers
– Details of payments you have made into my bank account for services provided
– Personal information about your health, lifestyle, attitudes and personal circumstances that you provide in the course of yoga or yoga therapy
– Your next of kin details
– I use Mail Chimp for some communications, therefore your name and email address are stored on their database
– If you attend classes or yoga therapy, your contact details will be stored in my password protected email address book and backed up to secure storage
– Class registers are hardcopy, however these may occasionally be transferred to my computer for reference. Electronic copies are password protected
– Health Questionnaires for yoga therapy clients and registration forms for group class or one-to-one students are kept in hardcopy in a locked filing cabinet at my home address. If these have been sent electronically, copies are password protected
– Records holding your data will be stored for seven years in accordance with insurance requirements and the Data Protection Act
– You may ask me to remove your details from my mailing list, which I will carry out as soon as possible in accordance with your wishes. Should I make a mistake please contact me immediately for this to be rectified
Under certain circumstances you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data. These include the right to:
– Request access to your personal data
– Request an update or correction to your personal data
– Object to processing of your personal data
– Request restriction of process of your personal data
– Request transfer of your personal data
– Right to withdraw consent
For further information regarding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), please visit